Cocktail of sandboxes. These three words are without doubt, more clearly and quickly how to define to Far Cry 3, a game that have come out in another period (in which Ubisoft pulling it at the same time that Assassin completo Creed III was intended) would have been a bombshell.

The argument plunges US into an archipelago of the Pacific Ocean, where some young people with parents who make money only with wishing you will spend an unforgettable holiday to an uninhabited paradise... uninhabited except for a few pirates who kidnap young people with parents who make money only with wishing it.

We embody Jason Brody, who along with his military brother, manage to escape his captivity milagrasamente, although the latter dies protecting Jason. With the help of the natives of the archipelago, a powerful race of warriors who wage war with the pirates, Jason intends to rescue his friends, among which is his younger brother.

As you can see, the argument is not the acme of originality, but complies within the orgy of shots and machete blows that we get from the minute one. Its great attraction here is not in its plot, but in the figure of Vaas, a lousy with touches of madness jokeriana that surely will be bad in many lists of "the best villains video game" alongside heavyweights such as Unicoo, Ganondorf or GLADoS.

Graphically it's one of the more potent today's games, where his enormous mapped with great detail wonder up to the most skeptical thanks to its tropical beauty. And not only is beautiful, it is also its powerful graphic engine, thanks to which we will see large technical flourishes, to highlight the fire behavior and the chaos that can result. Without a doubt, from already Far Cry 3 is the game the arsonist resentful fetish medium.

Sonically it also works swimmingly, starting with its wonderful dubbing into Spanish and ending with her more than remarkable soundtrack. Stands out above all electronic music, where special importance has the theme of Cybermoods and Damian "Jr Gong." Marley, ringing while we burn marijuana fields by making use of the aforementioned physics of fire in an already legendary mission.

Playable Far Cry 3 takes the elements most defining most of the sandbox that have been successful in recent years and simplifies them. Namely: hunting of network Dead Redeption, climbs of Assassin's Creed, parachute of Saints Row, creating objects of Skyrim, the collectibles of GTA, improving skills of Borderlands, the stealth of Deus Ex... Ojo, simplify does not worsen, in fact, in this case means improve.

In each one of the games above, although excellent, their defining features meant a slow rhythm that cut the pace of play, with the excuse of "consequences of having a huge map to explore". For example, on Red Dead Redemption finding an animal in particular to chase it it may be something boring, by very realistic as the behavior of that animal. On the other hand, in Far Cry 3 if you are looking for a carnivorous animal, attack you first and surely taken you by surprise. And still looking for a harmless herbivore animal, certainly you'll see a large predator hunting lunch. Or more bizarre still, maybe the large predator you attack by surprise when already almost you've embedded it your prey a bullet in the head.

Despite having so many borrowed elements from other games, Far Cry 3 has a couple of new features that surely will be copied by other titles. The first is what is known as "gusts of executions", where we can kill our enemies in very different ways with a machete. In fact, there will be moments that will be easier to pass shooting, but will use the spate of executions simply because it's more cool.

The second and more revolutionary is its system of coverage: we will simply have to bring us closer to the coverage in question, and when aiming, Jason is slightly asomarĂ¡ to be able to shoot. As you would in reality, making the game not cheat when it comes to show us what's around us, such and as it happens with certain hipermusculados with chainsaws and multiple clones marines games. More complicated? Perhaps, but also more satisfying.

The nature of Far Cry 3 in as simple as effective: non-stop even a second to feel adrenaline. Either by the aforementioned animals, by soaring towers of radio, by the numerous camps scattered throughout the map, or by his hilarious driving pirates; in no time we will feel that we are losing time, feeling that usually always accompanied to the sandbox, by very good than to. It may not have the better argument, nor the best graphics (though for very little), the larger map, or the best music, nor the most long, nor is the funniest, but Far Cry 3 has all the ballots to be the most fun sandbox that has never been done.


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