Users of any of the three Galaxy Note phablets enjoy one of the more attractive to mobile devices, The S-Pen. This stylus no longer a piece of plastic, but what does that really is a versatile tool is the layer of proprietary software that the Korean company puts on the Android operating system. Almost all the is dedicated to management of images and writing skills through the fine tip of the stylus, different from the stroke with your finger, allowing drag, copy, paste and edit graphic elements with ease. Well, as with an application we can approach to some similar benefits.
The application is called Ink Over Apps and brings us much of the resources of the software itself for editing with Samsun stylusg. To be able to make use of it, we have to have a device with Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich or top. This condition occurs because the application makes use of the screenshot that we find in these versions of Google OS to store images.
The key is to enable that on open applications we can do drawings and paths on applications already open. Then, thanks to permission to open other Windows, we can perform our underscores, markings, drawings and others. Finally, comes to save the result and so we must press the button to decrease the volume along with the sleep to make the classic Android screenshot.
Obviously the application is not as powerful as the software of the South Koreans. Missing the option to be able to zoom on images before editing them, among other things. However, by 0.76 euros can now experience part of what it feels like when we have one of these super phablets. And it is that if we put strict term phablet acquires a real sense with the three models of the South Korea company, given that it is not only making a smartphone with large screen, they should bring a tactile experience improved, more capable for the job.
You can buy Ink Over Apps in Google Play.
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