Some viruses have the ability to prevent the installation of an antivirus or block any antivirus program that you have already installed on your computer. Infection of the virus can be made to override any attempt to clean the system, by what can block new installations for cleaning programs or even terminating any program that was previously installed.

If until now the only way to solve this problem was directly format and install from zero Windows, now will have a program that will at least allow us to make a final attempt: MalwareBytes Chameleon.

How this program works is essentially simple, because what does MalwareBytes Chameleon to install is to camouflage all your files to make believe the virus that they are part of the infected files. Chameleon offers three attempts at installation, until you find one that works. Once we can install the anti malware, we can clean the virus.

The program is not infallible, since we have a virus that is too sophisticated and that recognizes that we are doing an installation attempt by force. Anyway, it is preferable to this as a last attempt, to have to reformat and lose all our files.

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