Little by little, the world no longer belongs to Microsoft as yesteryear and gradually free software and alternative is gaining popularity, even among developers. The last cry of the free software seems to be an alternative to the exFAT file system to memory or flash disk.

During the last weekend has appeared a project of alternative file system on Google Code pages, that it would replace the exFAT system. The programmer named Andrew Nayenko, has shared code that can already be compiled for GNU/Linux and OS X.

The problem for Microsoft would not explode, as the company of Bill Gates it has licensed the use of exFAT system to companies like BMW, in addition to newer models of external memory and SD cards (more than 32 Gb of capacity) use the format exFAT, owner of Microsoft.

It goes without saying that Microsoft want to maintain the monopoly over the format, not allowing others to commercialize other formats and compete against them.

The new Nayenko file system has been presented as a model derived from the Fuse (Filesystem in Userspace). To mount a file system FUSE creates a virtual directory, in which among other things, is possible to create bridges between web services, folders or files.

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