After the pleasant surprise of the pack of THQ, Humble Bundle returns to the fledgling indie packs. Normally, the consumer may pay the monetary amount deemed appropriate, with a minimum of $ 1 if you want the keys to Steam. The offer will last for 13 days. On this occasion, in addition to games, the pack is the famous documentary on development indendiente of video games, Indie Game: The Movie.

The games offered are Snapshot, a curious puzzle-plataformas; The Binding of Isaac, a dungeon crawl designed by Edmund McMillen, which also includes its expansion Wrath of the Lamb; Closure, another puzzle-plataformas with a very dark and surreal atmosphere; and Shank 2, an action game in 2D with very well-kept animations. If in addition we pay an amount greater than the world average (6'37 $ at the time in which this news was drafted), are we added to the pack Legends of Grimrock, a labyrinthine RPG in the style of classics such as Eye of The Beholder and Ishar; Dungeon Defenders with their DLC, and a mixture of tower - defense, role and action online. Include the soundtracks for all of these games, except The Binding of Isaac.

As personal opinion, I will say that Dungeon Defenders on one of the games that more hours accumulated in my account of Steam, The Binding of Isaac is very fun (although not of the true companion of Gamikia opinion the same) and Closure has audiovisual values which already would like to if some other works with multimillion dollar budgets.

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