Mega is now available

Already a few hours have elapsed since the Mega, the new Kim Dotcomcyberlocker, is in operation. Let us remember that it promised 50 Gb of free storage and security measures carried the end to not allow that it be closed by the authorities, in addition to encryption key for each file.

The service is inept in these first hours, but of course that it could not be otherwise with so many people wanting to enter at the same time.

After you've completed the registration process, confirming in our e-mail (it takes a lot to arrive) we can now begin to upload files to your account. The interface is not far too of other similar services, so it has not much noteworthy in that regard. The outstanding feature is the way in which Mega handles its new cryptographic keys.

If we give the right button of the mouse on top of one of our files we will be able to share it with and without this key. This key will be the key to allow share them and it can be transmitted through a direct link to the file or through a communication channel encryption within the same Mega.

Mega prices, if you want to purchase a paid account, will be 9.99 Euros per month with 1 Terabyte of bandwidth for downloads and 500 megs of storage; 19.99 euros per 4 Tb of bandwidth and a 2TB and 29.99 per month per 8 Tb of bandwidth and storage by 4 Tb.

To be honest, at the moment Mega it has nothing extraordinary. It is one cyberlocker more, with a very large storage capacity. You will have to see what lies ahead, when come true ads of Dotcom, give Mega of applications for PC and mobile platforms.

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