Normally, Indie Royale brings us a pack with several video games indie, in which each buyer pays whatever he wants by the pack (with a minimum, which at the time in which you compose this news is 3'44 €), with the particularity that if a buyer pays a greater amount of the minimum price of the pack, the minimum price will be decreased for the remainder of prospective buyers. The offer will last a week.

The games offered on this occasion are Nuclear Dawn, a curious mix between FPS and RTS by turns; Defense Grid: The Awakening, a tower defense with eye-catching graphics, Genemi Rue, a graphic adventure with atmosphere cyberpunk who has been compared to the legendary film Blade Runner; and Soulcaster I & II, a few arcade games with graphics piexelados that have already achieved great success on XBOX 360.

Without a doubt, the most famous and best valued Pack game is Genimi Rue, which if purchased loose would have a price of 7'99 € on Steam, to which must be added that you can play in Spanish thanks to the translation that made some fans a few months ago.

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