In my opinion, one of the great actors of the year 2012 that we are about to finish is, without a doubt, Instagram since that, in addition to having been bought by Facebook has marked other services that have opted to include filters to their applications to take and share photos. Facebook launched Facebook Camera (competing with itself), on Monday Twitter launched its filters and, today, has been Yahoo! which wanted to increase the capabilities of Flickr, one of its services star, adding filters to your iOS client.

Yes, in a somewhat unexpected move, this new Yahoo! captained by Marissa Mayer has decided to extend the features of Flickr (in my opinion one of the great values of the company in terms of product concerns) and, following the new strategy of focusing on mobility, the company has decided to present themselves as an alternative to Instagram and offer users the possibility to apply filters to your images before you share them via Flickr.
For now, this change is only available in customer iOS which, as we can not, download from the App Store and that, Furthermore, we will appreciate a substantial change in the design of the interface of the application (much more carefully as it happened yesterday with the launch of the new Yahoo! Mail). Flickr is one of the key services of Yahoo! in terms of active users, and taking into account this fact, was a shame application to carry a year without updating IOS (despite the activity of other services and their constant updates and improvements).
Mobile First is the new strategy of Mayer at Yahoo!, and the truth, this new version of Flickr for iOS complies perfectly with this premise. Are available in the application filters that will offer users a wide range of options to give you a touch of vintage to your photos before sharing them via Twitter (an advantage over to Flickr if possible since integration is maintained), Facebook, or even, to 16 via e-mail that along with the possibility of interacting with groups (which until now were only available in the web version) expect to be able to give a new impetus to the service.
Seeing these changes, the mail service and Flickr, so followed it seems clear that we are witnessing the birth of a new Yahoo! and a relaunch of its service portfolio, now will be to see if they take the effect expected among users.

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