In view of the large number of demands en masse against the P2P and BitTorrent by the so-called copyright trolls, Verizon has taken a step to the front in defense of the users. Before tactics, mostly practical extortion, the provider is asking a court in Texas to grant you the possibility to expose which companies operate behind each request of rights holders.

As they have from TorrentFreak, two weeks ago several producers of films joined for adults who demanded Verizon for not facilitating the personal data of "pirates" assumptions of the BitTorrent. The vendor ignored court orders and Malibu Media, Patrick Collins and Third Degree Films requested the tribunal that they forced Verizon to answer their subpoenas.
The response from Verizon has been an attack against what they believe a tort and a few "thugs" tactics. The ISP requests a court in Texas to grant the possibility of detection and that can expose how the "copyright trolls" in question operate. According to the petition, Verizon explains that:
Rights holders follow guidelines that, if not illegal, are under legal minimums, minimums that courts should not pay attention or support.
The idea of the provider is to change the tables. If until now was exposed the identity of their clients, the ISP wants to be granted the possibility to discover and request confidential information about the companies involved in the lawsuits against the P2P and BitTorrent. A petition pioneer based on the inability of Defense of many users. According to Verizon:
The circumstances are also unusual because persons subject to possible abuse by the approach of the plaintiffs are unlikely to be able to defend, either for economic reasons, reasons personal, or because the approach and tactic of the plaintiffs who oppose them actively, are oppressive tactics and unfair methods.
If they give green light to this twist, Verizon expects that the courts can make a decision based on truthful information as to whether the identity of the users should be or not be disclosed. The exhibition asking the provider covers the entire network companies and people who are behind this kind of demands and what type of tactics used to obtain money from the defendants:
We intend to seek and discover the model of business behind the plaintiffs, and if the plaintiffs are good faith editors and material that allegedly seek to protect is still the main benefit of their efforts, and not by applying aggressive and abusive tactics of copyright.
Verizon completes the petition equated the current tactics of many rights holders such as those of schoolyard thugs:
The tactics of the plaintiffs appear to be similar to the courtyard of school with bullies who push and push until they oblige others scared to give up. Claimants and those who like them, apparently, have avoided having to deal with these problems without a full trial.
Already the idea itself is a pioneer, since it seeks to match to the plaintiff and to the defendant in a fair trial. For the first time the plaintiff in the same way that they ask would expose to scrutiny the personal information of the users to, in many cases, carry out practical abusive. A proposal that if passed, could be extended to the rest of United States.


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