There are applications and applications. Already thinking of books of such billets whose motto Announces: 1001 applications that you can not download. Put hand on fire that one already exists. There are silly, terribly stupid; useful other desirable and plausible, funny; in general, I guess, instant communication and entertainment. I practice the guasap, I apalabro in dead hours, look at the sky with Google templates, buy tickets of the Alsa, mato pigs with birds, each loco with your topic...; and who is free from sin which cast the first stone. Why I downloaded what I download? Do privileged minds of marketing [Philo and wealth of Nations] set the equation of emotions: Pepsi or coke? Mmmmm I don't know, I don't know, expected the aplis global market to reach the 19 billion euros in 2015: I love the subtle, weightless and Gentile, worlds like soap bubbles. Ahem.

You have perhaps heard of Foxconn. Foxconn reportedly is the largest company of manufacture and Assembly of electronic components in the world. Although the multinational is Taiwanese, it has in China its main aorta, said that Wikiquedia with 13 factories distributed in 9 Chinese cities. Brazil, Mexico, India, Europe's periphery... One of these type companies, suspect (i.e. a maliciously personal opinion), they do emerge to some emerging: you already know, that product of socio-economic hope that are [tetra] BRICS, and other MISTicismos. Acronyms against the disintegration of the time, centuries of acronyms.

Well, the fact is that Foxconn, whose clients include multinational so known as Sony, Intel, Microsoft, Nintendo, Nokia, Apple, Hp or Toshiba, inter alia, trafficking in not very well to their workers, and some of these - the enough as to make "factual" lifted the hocico­-, they ended up finally committing suicide: here, here, here, here, or here you can stir between the shit a little. According to the Chronicles, Foxconn erected huge industrial complexes where they live workers, an army of labor [cheap] crowded which, generally, is dictatorially. Gives me that these Foxconn Cities [or iPod City, as you are called Shenzhen Factory], are something like the "Google working environments" series Z and Silicon Valley.

Assembly applications and this brief history of salaried slavery 2.0suputamadrelaglobalizacion, I leave a curious game for mobile news. It's In a Permanent Save State ["in a State of permanent alert"], developed by Benjamin Poynter, a game that deals with, from a very successful aesthetic - atmospheric and narrativamente disturbing - suicides at Foxconn; in the words of the author: a reflection on the role of humans in the era of mass production. Each of the phases, metaphor of the hopeless and the conditions of the workers, pure fantasy critical, oppressive atmosphere is entailed with information on cases that have occurred and reflections on deaths from different beliefs: seven interactive narrations loaded with respect and spirituality for seven similar suicides. An allegory, as says own advertising for the game, which faces the Eastern dream with the Western show. Made of the stuff that dreams are made, some suffer more than others.

Already a few weeks, ago looking for information between technological pages to another entry, I drew attention, recurrently, a headline: Foxconn ensures that the iPhone 5 is harder to assemble product. I never finished reading it, no idea still had (or had forgotten) what or who it was Foxconn, I lost track. The source of this post, then returned it me.

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