Capcom has confirmed that the sixth installment of the Resident Evil series will be released on PC. This launch will occur next March 22, 2013 in the case of the European territory, both in physical format and digital download via Steam.

This version, both in its physical and digital form, will include all content released so far in console, as well as all the future contained free that come out. These contents include launched recently for Xbox 360.

In addition to all this, the digital version will feature several of the advantages of the Platform Steam, such as:
Storage in the cloud.Achievements of Steam.Interfaz of community Steam.Tablas of classification.
In terms of technical requirements, officers will have already done the following:
Operating system: Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8CPU: (minimum) Intel Core2Duo 2.4 GHz -AMD AthlonX2 2.8 GHz / (recommended) Intel Core2Quad 2.7Ghz -AMD Phenom II X 4 3 GHzRAM: (at least) 2 GB (recommended) 4 GBHDD: 16 GB free space in disk graphics duroTarjeta: (minimum) Nvidia GeForce 8800GTS / (recommended) Nvidia GeForce GTX 560
Regarding the graphics card, it is hoped that the requirements are similar with ATI equivalents. In any case, it will be necessary to have support DirectX 9.0 c minimum (any reasonably current card complies with this requirement).

Taking advantage of the confirmation of this version for PC, Capcom has also announced a second update of Resident Evil 6. Among the innovations that trera include the following:
'Hunting agents' mode will be available without having to terminate a campaign. We can also choose which session join us, depending on the screen, region and the choices of the player (infinite ammo and 'friendly fire').You can access any level of parent at any time campaign, provided you have previously completed the chapter to which it belongs.It can be activated assistance in scripts QTE (Quick Time Events), so that they are completed automatically, at any level of difficulty. (Currently 'amateur'. part of the difficulty level)The difficulty in certain sections of the game, has been adjusted to make them more consistent with the rest.
Finally, remember that Resident Evil 6 also will be available as a downloadable title in the bazaar of Xbox 360 coming soon.

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