Not nobody expected today's news. Nor is it a joke of the day of the innocents. It's a statement of, the group behind the tweak from Cydia Installous. Yes, that which is primarily responsible for the piracy on Apple devices.

You have always tried to be clear the difference between jailbreak and piracy of applications, so back to redial it: jailbreak your iPad or iPhone is nothing illegal. In fact, it is a practice that allows you to equip your device of new possibilities that, paradoxically, the end Apple has finished accepting and incorporating new versions of iOS.

Well, turns out that has reported that Installous comes to an end, therefore little activity that your community has made them make the decision. The main benefit of this news are the developers of iOS, which from now on will have to worry a little less by the piracy of their applications.

Obviously soon will be new platforms that will help to the piracy of applications on Apple devices (alternatives that already exist even not need jailbreak), but will remain illegal and a scourge to the health of the App Store.

There are users who will hide behind saying that they used Installous to test an application before you decide to pay for it, but I think the recommendations, ratings and comments from the App Store system is robust enough to know if an application is going to disappoint or not.

What do you think? Is this a good or bad news for you? How long it will take out an alternative to Installous?

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